For 76% of the population, before they visit a retail store, restaurant, or service business, they first consult the internet. If someone moves to a new city and is seeking a gym membership, for example, they might start their research by looking for the one closest to their new home with a “gyms near me”…
A Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google Business Profile) is an excellent tool for raising your company’s local profile. It is free to use and shows your profile on Google Search, Google Shopping, and Google Maps, helping to make your business much more visible to potential customers. The power of Google is undeniable. Not…
When executing any sort of link building strategy, it can be extremely disheartening when you send hundreds of emails and get no responses. Or worse, you’ve wasted your time with sites that ask you to pay for the link placement. This is a challenge of any link building campaign. However, effectively screening your prospects to…
I’ve been writing outreach emails for nearly 10 years. Early on, I built a music app and sent hundreds of emails to record companies to request music licenses. Later, it was all about link building strategies to grow the blog for that startup to hit 35k monthly visitors in one year. Over the years, I’ve…
With search engines today using backlinks as a signal for content quality, their impact on rankings is well-known among the SEO community. In fact, if you look at popular SEO guides on the internet, like this one from Moz, there are frequent mentions of link building as a means of acquiring backlinks. Google even mentions…
The legitimate success of your link building outreach campaign is essential to moving up in Google for your target keywords. We run link building outreach campaigns for our clients that span from five to 40+ hours/week. Here are five KPIs we use to track the success of our link building outreach campaigns. 1. Prospects per…
Link building is thought to be one of the most effective ways to improve your rankings. In fact, according to this Backlinko-Ahrefs study, more links usually means better rankings. So when putting together a link building campaign, the first step is usually to look into how many links your competitors have for a particular keyword…
Because link building is so important for search engine optimization (SEO), app developers who are familiar with the practices of SEO often assume the same is true with app store optimization (ASO). Unfortunately, there is no evidence that backlinks directly impact ASO performance. This case study from YellowHEAD actually points to evidence that backlinks have zero direct impact on ASO…
If you want to raise massive amounts of money for your startup, you need to prove that your business is designed to scale. If you’re doing SEO for your startup, that includes building out a scalable link building strategy. I’ve been doing link building exclusively for five years now and have done it in almost every industry….
If you’re looking to outsource your link building, you’re not alone. More than 60% of businesses outsource their link building to agencies or contractors. With 65% of marketers agreeing that link building is one of the most difficult parts of SEO, this makes a lot of sense. In-house employees at a business have higher-level things…